Friday, 23 December 2011

No camera - silly!

This morning was bright and warm, but foolishly I decided not to bother to take my camera across the common and round about. Whilst this was vindicated on the common itself (I did see two Reed Buntings, but would not have had a chance of a picture), when I reached the path behind Warren Barns I found myself surrounded by Goldcrests. Now these are never going to be easy to photograph, and sometimes they are very hard to see although you can hear them. Sometimes however, as today, they are very confiding and show themselves quite openly. Then I saw a Tree Creeper and again would have had a chance of a picture. Perhaps I've learned my lesson, but we'll see!

Was pleased to see the water level on Scouts' Pond is a lot more healthy after the recent rain.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Redwings amid the winter thrushes

Very little of note about today, but the district is full of thrushes that have come for the winter. These are mainly blackbirds, but I did find a couple of Redwings this afternoon, enjoying the berries on School Common.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Yet more thanks from the Chairman

I was one of those unable to attend the working party on 3rd December, but walking across the Common later I saw that the cutting of Area A had indeed been completed. And this despite the mulled wine!

Was pleased to find a female Bullfinch at School Meadow, but not much else about.

The chairman's message:

Big thanks and appreciation go to all those who helped yesterday morning.
We were a bit shorthanded but quality certainly made up for quantity.  I know that several regulars couldn't come;  each with a very good reason but they all add up.  Nevertheless, we have made huge inroads into this season's work and can justifiably forget about cutting and raking and pulling and pushing that cart around, at least until the New Year.
Special  thanks go to the Catering Corps which dispensed a their own unique encouragement.  SCT  now appears to have a magic teapot that turns water into wine!
Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year from John