Monday, 20 October 2014

Cutting season under way

Our second working party of the new season was a great success; the weather was fine and even a little too warm for some of us. Nonetheless, we completed clearing the central area, which had been cut before Grizzly broke down last time. It has been partially restored to working order, so progress has already been made on cutting the main reedbed ready for next time:

Or how's this for a fancy black and white shot?

Quite apart from the satisfaction of a job well done, the highlight of the morning was a brief visit from a magnificent female marsh harrier. The site is really not big enough to support these wonderful birds, so visits by them are few and far between; that it chose our mid-morning refreshment break was all the more wonderful.

Here is Chairman John's message:

Thank you one and all for your splendid effort yesterday morning.  Despite my anxiety over Grizzly’s substandard performance (not to mention its operator) we have made a sensible start at this year’s programme.  We know we can carry on with the reedbed and by the time that is done, hopefully Germany will have sent us the parts we need to finish elsewhere.  Next session is two weeks time, 2nd November, when we venture into nether regions , uncovering who knows what – more fun and more satisfying.
I have a black jacket, labelled “No Fear”, which somebody left behind yesterday.  Will the owner please own up and I will drop it round.