Sunday, 15 March 2015

All done for now

Well done everybody.  I suppose having a working party on Mothers’ Day was perhaps a bit insensitive, or at  least unaware, but anyway a good job was done and The Pit now reflects great credit on SCT.  That’s it for now; a great season with more done, quicker and with defective machinery.  Apart from a few ad hoc jobs to get us spick and span for the summer, the next thing to note is our Volunteers’ party on 3rd May, followed by the midsummer bash on 21st June.
Regards and best wishes

Monday, 2 March 2015

Cold work, but worth it

Although the sun was out, the wind was strong, and the water in The Pit still very cold indeed. Undaunted, two of our number ventured into the freezing waters, suitably attired in waders and warm clothing. While Brian went out to the depths, attached by a rope to a fellow-volunteer on the bank, Noel stood ready to haul back the bulrushes (or more properly, Greater Reedmace) that Brian pulled out. This is an annual task, to prevent The Pit from becoming choked, but we usually do it in the Autumn, when it is perhaps not quite so cold.

Here is Chairman John's message of thanks:

Hello All
To all who participated at The Pit today, thank you very much for a typically successful  morning.  Judging by the smiles on everyone’s face, you got well-deserved satisfaction from what was achieved, and I guarantee your efforts will be noticed by the community at large.  I don’t usually single out individuals  but I think you’ll agree that Brian and Noel, who spent a full two hours in zero degrees water, do deserve special praise.   My feeling is that we should repeat the exercise in two weeks time, tidying round the edges and knocking back a bit more bulrush, but I’ll be in touch later about that.
Thanks again and well done