Sunday, 6 March 2011

Working Party 6th March

Hello All,

Simply, thanks for the splendid work done this morning. 
Everyone can take satisfaction from, and be justifiably proud of, what's been achieved together.
Sadly, we didn't find a pingo so that bit of excitement was short-lived, but we live in hope.  There must be other special things lurking and discoveries to be made.
On Thursday week I shall set the BTCV to tidying the edges and odd bits of reed-bed that we left, together with a bit more scrub clearance on the periphery of what we did today.  And that really will be it for this season.
We next all meet together on Sunday May 8th at my place, when the Trust says thank you.  Shall we go the whole hog and make it black tie, or can we get away with something a little less formal?   The following evening, Monday 9th. May, is AGM, which is when you sieze the opportunity of becoming a Trustee.
Kind Regards from John

P.s. from Duncan:

It was a particularly enjoyable working party, with 17 volunteers having a thoroughly good time. the weather was just right: fine, without being too warm for the physical work we were doing. The ground conditions were good too, and even the vegetation was easy. There was even a faint smell of hay about the grasses and sedges we cut. John's cart was a great boon, as it has been throughout this cutting season.

And together we even managed to see quite a lot of wildlife. A sparrowhawk was spotted circling over Warren Woods, being mobbed by a crow. When a second crow joined in there were some serious aerobatics to be seen, before the hawk decided it was better off diving down into the woods for cover. A short while after, a barn owl flew across, presumably hoping for a nice easy vole brunch disturbed by our work. And indeed we had disturbed a couple of voles, but these were shepherded away to safety. A skein of about 30 pink footed geese flew overhead for good measure. 

And we found an early marsh marigold growing in a particularly wet patch. All in all, an excellent way to round off the season. 

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