Saturday, 21 May 2011

Glorious spring

I know we desperately need rain, but this has to be one of the best springs I can remember. This morning was glorious: warm, but fresh, with a perfect blue sky. Had a wonderful walk across the common, clocking up 30 bird species as well as a few butterflies and plants. At least two of our nestboxes in School Common are occupied by blue tits, but I hope several more boxes are also being used.

The flag irises are now in flower at Scouts' Pond, and although the water level has dropped a lot it looks good nonetheless. The picture doesn't do it justice.

After that, across the boardwalk I found not one but three reed warblers. There is rarely a more futile exercise than peering through reeds trying to find these birds, but I was anyway, when there was some fluttering on two appeared, one chasing the other. A bit of a territorial dispute I fancy. I had earlier had a reasonable view of a singing reed bunting. It was too far off for a good picture, but I see that my effort caught him in mid shout.

I see the orchids, ragged robin and cotton grass are all in flower, making a lovely show.

As for the butterflies, I found a speckled wood in Warren Woods, still several orange tips, and now there are also lots of green veined whites about.

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