Thursday, 18 August 2011

Drat that pesky Balsam!

When it is announced that the Himalayan Balsam Threat has been averted for the year, we seasoned HM Hunters know to start taking pinches of salt. This is because inevitably, every time such an announcement is issued, another crop of the pernicious weed raises their pretty heads, proclaiming "you can't catch me!"

Well, we can and we do. Accordingly, on 15th August, under the determined leadership of the HM Hunter-in-Chief, David, six doughty volunteers arrived in response to the clarion call. We struggled through head-high reeds; we forded the Beck at great risk to the dryness of our socks; we risked nettle stings; we ate blackberries. And we prevailed! As we parted company an hour and a quarter later, we were convinced no more Balsam plants remained.

I took a walk in an area I only visit in my wellies, and found more of the wretched plants. I pulled them up, all alone and yet I too prevailed. In that spot, there are no more living Balsam plants. And yet I know that a few yards further on, there will be more, ready to re-start their invasion next year.

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