Saturday, 16 March 2013

End of another cutting season

A very wet working party finished off the cutting season for another year; the conditions underfoot were as wet as anyone could remember, and several people got very wet. The Grizzlie got bogged down a couple of times, and needed some ingenuity and brawn to rescue it.

Nonetheless, the 10 brave souls who tuned up worked with a will, and we completed the programme for the year, to our great relief. We all needed a rest at the end!

But at least we had the satisfying sight of a whole new vista opened up; at least, until it all grows again!

Here's what Chairman John had to say:

Dear All
Well that’s it for another season, and today’s stoic stalwarts deserve their thank you to be as public as possible, which is why I am writing to the whole volunteer group.  After the dreadful winter we’ve been through you would have thought the weather gods would cut us a bit of slack on this last working party of the 2012-13 season, but not a bit of it.  This morning dawned grey and wet, with no promise of improvement, whilst the conditions underfoot have never been worse.  You all knew we would struggle to meet the requirements of the programme but everyone went to the work with a will and the end result is truly remarkable.  I am hoping for some great photos from Duncan and Tim showing the impressive and beautiful view from the corner of the boardwalk, looking right across to the boundary, a vista that has never been seen before in its completeness.  Thank you all once again, and remember the provisional date of 5th May for our non-working party.
Best wishes from John

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