Sunday, 2 February 2014

Beautiful morning for a working party

This morning was a glorious spring-like one; warm bright sunshine with little or no wind. A slightly smaller turnout of volunteers than of late turned out and put in another excellent shift; we will probably complete the cutting programme next time. This is Chairman John's message:

Hello All
Many thanks to all who helped today.  We are making real progress and it is even conceivable that our fine-tuned and efficient team could  finish Area A next time.
If you want the satisfaction and pride of participating in such an impressive feat, make Sunday 16th February a date.  The end-of-season party starts to beckon.
Thanks again

Here's the cart under a full load, being towed by the famous winch.

Presumably the unseasonable warmth was responsible for waking up a bee which visited our base camp. It may be from a nest that has been made in a box intended for birds in the alder carr along the Beck. The amber coloured mess is honey that has run down the outside of the box.

More excellent work was done trimming growth back from the edges of the boardwalk. This is important not only to ensure the full width of the boardwalk can be used, but it will also help prevent the boards from rotting. Here is the edge team:

Their job is made much less pleasant, not to say unhealthy, by the presence of dog mess in depressingly large quantities. Although many do of course, we do wish ALL dog owners would clear up after their pets!

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