Saturday, 5 April 2014

Peacock paradise

On this really warm and beautifully sunny morning, which followed several days of grimly overcast, misty conditions (not to say "Killer Smog"), the boardwalk was swarming with butterflies, all absorbing as much sunshine as they could, reminiscent of Brits abroad. I didn't bother to count, but it seemed that there was one every few yards, along with a couple of small tortoiseshells and bright yellow male brimstones. It was a good year for peacocks last year, and many have obviously survived the mild winter. It's unfortunate that the second year we surveyed them on the Commons was a particularly bad year for them, with very few about.

Hardly a great picture, but you get the gist.

On the bird front, song is increasingly rapidly now. We've had chiffchaffs singing for a couple of weeks, and the first blackcap started up a couple of days ago. I could hear at least two today, as well as an agitated one doing its impression of stones being clicked together. No sight of them though.

Best of all today, our first reed bunting of the year was on show in the reedbed, singing while he preened. These are one of our indicator species, so it's always good when they come back each year. I never seem to get a good enough view of one here for a good photo, but here's an impression of him, with his back to me.

Now all we need are some reed and sedge warblers! The other highlight of the morning was a buzzard cruising overhead, being politely shepherded away by a couple of crows.

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