Thursday, 17 July 2014

Himalayan balsam working party Sunday 20th July

Hello All
It’s time to wage our annual war on the Himalayan Balsam and the time to do it is this Sunday, 20th July, meeting at 10:00am at the car park.
There is very little in the usual place, thanks entirely to our vigilance over the years.  But the stuff is ever-resourceful, having moved down the Beck  to where it thinks we either won’t notice or won’t bother.  How wrong can a plant be?!
So there is a job for a some intrepid soul with a good pair of wellies and if that could be you please come along on Sunday morning.  I don’t think it will take very long.
Parts of the boardwalk are also getting overgrown, especially the spur to the cross-roads.  So there is a sweeping job there for somebody if I get it cut in time.
On this occasion it would be useful if you can email me back if you intend coming on Sunday morning so I can make the right preparations.
Kind regards

Update: John in the jungle with trophy:

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