Despite the lack of our usual leader this time, a group of 11 volunteers gathered for the final cut of the current season. We wanted to have another crack at the central area, which is cut every year to encourage the growth of orchids, bogbean, grass of parnassus and a wealth of moss species. It had been cut at last October, but not finished as Grizzly's cutter bar was blunt. We've been waiting ever since for the right part to be delivered from Germany, but still no luck. Nothing daunted, we resolved to try to re-do some of the least well cut vegetation, and to finish off what had been abandoned. We succeeded, but only by going over everything twice.
Low point of the session: clearing three spade-loads of dog mess. Why, oh why, do some people think that the basic good manners of clearing up after their pets don't apply to them? Most of us do, but some seem to think they're exempt. I accept that I should clear up after my own dog, but I do take exception to doing it for other people.
High point of the session: a Jack Snipe was flushed when Grizzly got too close. That's the first one seen here this winter - we usually get a few sightings each year.
Chairman John being away, this working party was led by another John. Here is his message of thanks:
Another excellent morning on the Common - a hearty thanks to you all for your efforts which have enabled us to complete all the cutting and clearing scheduled for this winter, with time in hand.
This is down to your dedication, hard work and cheerful go-for-it attitude whatever the weather or the appeal of the Sunday morning lie-in!
We still have some booked winter sessions (the next being Sunday 1st March) which we will use for various other small works and maintenance tasks. Details will be sent to you nearer the time.
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