Friday, 24 June 2011

Butterflies galore

The butterflies are beginning to come into their own now. Lots of large whites, a fresh crop of speckled woods, and large numbers of ringlets. Today I also saw my first 5 spot burnet moths of the season, on the grassy area near Warren Road.

Heard two ssinging reed warblers, and one reed bunting. Blackcaps and chiffchaffs are still singing, although there seem to be fewer of them at it than before. Sadly, the willow warbler has stopped: I hope this doesn't mean its breeding failed, but I fear it might.

I'm also beginning to fear I will see no lizards on the boardwalk this year. A few weeks ago they were very common at Strumpshaw Fen, but no sign here. There were very few last year too, but in previous years they had been quite common. I wonder if the two snowy winters have killed them off?

1 comment:

  1. I gather a group from the school saw a lizard the other day, so there is hope after all. None this morning however, when it would have seemed warm enough to lure them out.
