Saturday, 4 June 2011

Summer already

Walking across the common today it struck me that although we are only a few days into June, summer is well and truly here. It has been exceptionally dry for weeks of course, but I notice the reedbed is still reasonably soft. Both the Pit and Scouts' Pond are now quite low, and I only hope we don't need a repeat of the fish rescue drama at the Pit. The orchids look to be past their best already, but there is still plenty of cotton grass and ragged robin to see.

Not very much bird activity, but there were still plenty of recently fledged blue tits in evidence, and the reed bunting was still singing from the back of the reedbed. Chiffchaffs are not singing with anything like as much conviction as recently, but blackcaps and whitethroats were still singing.

What I found less enchanting was the remainder of a picnic on School Common. At least, amongst all the other rubbish they had left behind, the litter louts had left their carrier bag, so it was relatively easy to clean up after them. I am very happy to do my bit for the community by helping where I can with looking after the commons, but it does infuriate me when I come across such laziness, thoughtlessness and downright anti-social behaviour.

On the same theme, Pit Common suffered some rare vandalism the other day, when someone took it into their head to dive a car up the track beside the pond. In doing so, they wrecked the dog waste bin that had only been in place a few months, after much lobbying of the parish council for the need.We can only hope that it can be quickly replaced.

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